A group of residents are trying to raise awareness and inform other residents about the dangers of having a hot asphalt plant in such close proximity to Greater Napanee.
myFM Spoke with Casey Hofbauer, who lives near the proposed site, and is an admin to the Greater Napanee Residents Against the Asphalt Plant Facebook page. Hofbauer told us a bit about how this group got started.
He says the group has many worries and concerns including air quality, increase industrial activity happening so close to town, the noise, light and environmental pollution produced by the plant and an increase in heavy trucking which will come with noise, dust and congestion through various parts of town. They also think based on some evidence they have seen, there will be tax losses as they see properties located close to the site take a bit of a hit in value.
Another worry is stemming from the location that is being proposed. The worry is along the lines of how visible will it be as you enter town, as it is located at the top of a hill. “Napanee is a valley, so when the wind does change direction, which way does that go?” Hofbauer said.
The group held a virtual meeting last night, May 6, as an initial capture of people who are willing to take on a more active role. The purpose of the call was to identify people who will take on a leadership role within the group and what type of services they are able to offer.
Hofbauer says the message that they want to drive home to town council, is that these neighbours who came together who wanted to protect their families, farms and future, are not trying to cause trouble and that they are just trying to protect these things. He added they see a cleaner way forward that doesn’t affect the health of the residents of Greater Napanee. Hofbauer also says that town council has been great and open and receptive to their line of communication.