The County of Lennox and Addington has received the 2021 Esri Special Achievement geographic information system Award.
They were chosen from thousands of Esri customer organizations worldwide for their effective enterprise implementation of GIS technology to deliver better services.
L&A County adopted ArcGIS Online seven years ago, and it completely transformed their IT department’s corporate service capabilities.
This platform supports staff and workflows from economic development to roads and bridges, as well as services other municipal authorities. It also hosts over 800 feature services, 250 web applications and 100+ active users from the County and their four member municipalities.
The County now has a team of managers in housing and property services using the ArcGIS system, who are exciting to see even more capabilities of data and spatial analysis.
Jason White, Manager of IT for the County of Lennox and Addington says they developed Property Services WORKS using ArcGIS Workforce, which makes data from the field easy to capture and as a result has created a number of internal champion users