At the most recent town council meeting, Town staff presented Council with a recommendation to dissolve the Downtown Napanee Business Improvement Area.
During their meeting Tuesday night, Ron Yeomans spoke to council, saying though he is a new member of the BIA, he believes this is a good idea. Though, he did share a few concerns during his deputation. He then made this suggestion.
In a release from the town of Greater Napanee, they say that should the Napanee BIA dissolve, the Town of Greater Napanee will assume identified responsibilities of the BIA and will consult with Greater Napanee merchants and commercial property owners regarding funding options for 2023 and beyond.
Councillor Bob Norrie, who is the council BIA rep, agrees with the dissolution.
Napanee Mayor Marg Isbester, who was on the first BIA in 1978, believes this option has to be the way to go.
Greater Napanee Council will consider the dissolution of the Napanee BIA at the April 26, 2022, Regular Meeting of Council.
Written by Emily Chatwood