An organization that brings a smile to your face, offering Pet Therapy visits in a variety of structured programs, is coming to Napanee.
myFM spoke with Carol Frizzell, who told us a bit about Therapeutic Paws of Canada, which began in 2002, that now has over 500 volunteers across the country.
Frizzell told us a bit about what the program will look like.
Any pets who take part in this program, go through a certification program, where during 12 modules, they simulate what it’s like to go into a seniors residence.
Their first pet evaluation has been tentatively scheduled for the last Saturday in June. More evaluations will be scheduled on an “as needed” basis. They also need a minimum of four to six dogs to take part.
They prefer a minimum of one hour of volunteering each week and one visit a day.
For more information you can contact Carol Frizzle by calling 613-388-2562, by emailing, or by visiting their website.
Written by Emily Chatwood