Image from Tyendinaga Police Service Facebook
Your help is needed locating a missing woman last seen in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.
38-year-old Michelle was last seen January 9, 2024, near the intersection of Highway 2 and York Road. Prior to that she was last seen January 8, 2024, on Huron Brant Drive.
She’s described as having a thin build and standing 5 foot 3 inches tall with long dark hair and brown eyes wearing Mukluk boots.
Investigators are looking for anyone with dashcam, doorbell or surveillance video in the area on January 9, 2024, between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Investigators are also looking to speak with the driver or owner of a dark coloured pick-up truck that used an air compressor at a variety store near the intersection of Highway 2 and York Road in Shannonville that morning around 4:00 a.m.
They’d also like to speak with the driver or owner of a grey coloured small car, possibly a Ford Fiesta, that stopped at a business at York and Atsia Court on January 9, 2024 around 6:00 a.m.
Anyone with information is asked to call the OPP at 1-888-310-1122.
Tyendinaga Police Service shared in a post to social media that a police ground search is continuing in the community and may continue for days to come. “We are utilizing the specialized drones, cameras, along with teams of officers and K-9. We do need to ask people not to create their own teams or trudge out into the woods just yet. The K-9 is a specially trained dog to pick up human scents and if there is just one, the dog will pick up on it, if there is many it muddies things and may be detrimental to the search.”
Written by Emily Chatwood