Next Gen Farmer Day is brought to you by TCO Agromart Ltd. and L&A Mutual Insurance.
Jacob Murray says he in his siblings were born into farming, immersed in the lifestyle at an early age. He says for them 7 days a week and 14-hour days are considered normal, not having much in the way of vacations is normal, and the joy they feel after a hard day’s work is all part of it. Jacob is very passionate about ensuring that things are done both ethically and sustainably, saying it is largely about trial and error. He says their goal is to work towards an eco-ethical approach to both agriculture and lifestyle.
Jacob says, while Topsy Farms is considered a sheep farm it is more of a tourist destination at this point. He said that they have gotten away from raising animals for meat consumption both for economic and moral reasons. In the next few years, he says they hope to do more with the wool, which is the main part of their business. Topsy Farms would like to be an industry leader when it comes to taking what they have and making the farm a viable business that can stand on its own two feet, that is sustainable 12 months of the year.
Jacob said they love to see young people at the farm. He said he would consider Topsy Farms a leader when it comes to taking kids from the city, bringing them to the farm, allowing them to get dirty and experience all aspects of nature. Jacob feels that when they introduce young people to the land, they are creating future farmers.
To learn more about Topsy Farms and the programs that they offer, visit this link.