Hooray for Coaches Day!
This is an exclusive look into the lives’ of the extraordinary men and women
who give their time and talent to mentor young athletes and help grow our local sporting community.
Read our stories below to hear the secrets to their success,
the challenges they face and how they’re paving the way for the next generation of coaches
and leaders in local sports.

Hooray For Coaches: Brian Atkins
It's Hooray for Coaches Day on myFM! We are profiling Brian Atkins. Brian began his soccer coaching career in 2020 during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. He saw a need for volunteer...
Aug 31, 2023

Hooray For Coaches: Jim Knapp
It's Hooray for Coaches Day on myFM! We are profiling Jim Knapp. Jim is a local guitar teacher and coach extraordinaire! In his early days of teaching, he taught with a satellite campus with...
Aug 31, 2023

Hooray For Coaches: Cory Brooks
It's Hooray for Coaches Day on myFM! We are profiling Cory Brooks. Cory played soft ball in Napanee growing up, then for the love of the game, immediately began coaching when his time as a p...
Aug 31, 2023

Hooray For Coaches: Ben Hagerman
It's Hooray for Coaches Day on myFM! We are profiling Ben Hagerman. Like many young Canadians, Ben grew up playing hockey and developed a love for the game and played for many years. After h...
Aug 31, 2023

Hooray For Coaches: Robyn-Michelle Leroux
It's Hooray for Coaches Day on myFM! We are profiling Robyn-Michelle Leroux. Robyn-Michelle is a teacher at Napanee District Secondary School and is part of the coaching staff for the NDSS G...
Aug 31, 2023